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Are you ready for when systems start to fail?

We have been making a slow, progressive journey towards self-sustainability. It was just six years ago that we finally were fed up with city life and decided to move to a small town that offered a slower-paced lifestyle.

During these early stages, we had our eyes opened to the disgusting truth that is hidden within the commercial food industry. Looking back now, we are blessed to have started our journey when we did. At that time we were just focused on producing quality food for our family. Now, it is something we need to do to ensure we have what we need given the world is setting new high scores on levels of crazy every week.

So what happens to your family when things you depend on stop working? We are all dependent on things. Maybe it is food, energy, credit cards, medical, school, and a host of other things. Chances are when you look at your life, you’ll see you are a lot more connected to systems than you think.

When we sat back and viewed the ways we were connected, it created a challenge for us to find a way to gain more control. Whether it is finding natural remedies to get away from prescriptions, adding solar power, or planting a garden…there is SOMETHING you can do to improve the ability for you to provide for yourself, and not be reliant on a system to give you what you need.

We encourage you to review your own situation and see if you can take the first step in taking control of your family.


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